Terms of Use and Privacy

Updated on 20 October, 2015

  • This electronic page is created and maintained by the Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ), which has full ownership of the copyright of all the information (including the characters, pictures, sounds and images). The stated information is protected by the relevant laws of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the international copyright conventions. The clauses of this copyright notice can be altered at any time and the revised version will overwrite the old version and be placed on this electronic page. After publishing the revised version, the use of this electronic page, including navigation, download, copy, republication, connection to this electronic page, etc. is regulated by the revised version.
  • With the exception of the information on this electronic page belonging to third parties, copies and republications are permitted for non-commercial use without the need to obtain any written consent from the DSAJ. However, the user must indicate the date of the copy and that the relevant information is provided by the DSAJ and must ensure the accuracy of the content copied. The content copied cannot be considered as the authentic version of the information. Neither can it be considered as a document recognised by the DSAJ. The total or partial copy of the content contained on this electronic page for commercial use by an individual or an organisation must acquire an authorisation in writing from the DSAJ in advance or copies in any form are prohibited. Any revision to the content, irrespective of whether or not the copy is of a commercial nature, is prohibited except for cases with special authorisation in writing from the DSAJ.
  • Some information on this electronic page is published in the form of data and the user can use it for further calculations and statistics to obtain new data. In case this data has to be published, it would be necessary to indicate its source and the calculation or statistical method used.
  • The DSAJ has already done everything possible to ensure the accuracy of the content contained on this electronic page but it does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee or commit to its accuracy. All the information is available in its ‘original version’ and the DSAJ does not assume any responsibility for it. The DSAJ reserves the right to delete or temporarily suspend or edit any information contained on this electronic page at any time without prior notice. The DSAJ does not assume any responsibility or compensation for the loss or damage in any aspect caused by the use of the information contained on this electronic page.
  • As this electronic page can be connected to the electronic pages of other government departments or of other organisations, the contents of these electronic pages are created and maintained by the respective organisations. This electronic page provides these links for users solely in the form of an additional service. When you access other electronic pages through these links, it implies that you have exited this electronic page and are no longer regulated by its terms of use. This electronic page cannot control, guarantee, recognise or assume any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the contents of those electronic pages.
  • Identification data will not be recorded and users will not be required to provide personal data such as their names, addresses, etc. when browsing this electronic page or downloading information from it. However, the computer system used by this electronic page may record the following technical data automatically: the domain name where the user is located and his/her IP address; the date and time when the user begins his/her navigation; the domain name of the electronic page, if this electronic page is accessed via the hyperlinks of other electronic pages. The collection of the data is only for internal record, with the exception of cases of violation of the law (for instance, attacks against this electronic page). For the purposes of criminal investigation, the DSAJ may provide the recorded data for the judicial or law enforcement authorities and these authorities may use the data to identify the perpetrator who committed the illegal acts and handle them pursuant to law.
  • Given the considerable risks in the transmission of information via the internet in the use of the consultation service on this electronic page through e-mail, the DSAJ suggests to users not to mention unnecessary personal data, with BIR numbers, addresses, etc. in particular, unless the data is needed for the consultation. The DSAJ is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from these risks.
  • The DSAJ will adopt appropriate information security measures for receiving and storing the personal data of users of the online service available on this electronic page, particularly the names, dates of birth, addresses, contact numbers or email addresses, etc. Personal data will only be used for relevant services. You have the right to request for viewing, correcting or updating your personal data pursuant to Law no. 8/2005 (Law on the Protection of Personal Data).
  • If there are changes in the terms of use and privacy, the old version will be overwritten by the new one, which will be published, with an indication of the date of the update in the document without any other announcement.